Hairline Crack

Hairline Crack

Hairline Crack is a quite familiar denture issue. At the time when you bite something and feel sharp pain that disappears quickly, the issue can be identified as hairline crack. It could gradually lead to tooth loss. There are different types of cracks. Minuscule craze lines, vertical crack, split tooth and fractured cusp are some of them. Some common issues causing the problem include chewing hard surfaces, pressure from hard objects, accidents, larger tooth fillings or aging. 

Hairline cracks are often hard to detect as the crack is small and invisible to the naked eye. Some preliminary symptoms of crack include sudden sparks of dental pain, pain during biting or chewing, sensitivity to sweetness, heat or cold or swollen gums. It is crucial that the issues are diagnosed and treated on time through visual examination, physical examination, gums probe, dental dye or x-ray analysis.

Fix My Denture USA is a committed denture repair service in Maryland with dedicated shipping service anywhere around the United States  with the experience of  40+ years in service.  We can fix those hairline cracks through different solutions depending on factors including and location of the crack. A small, barely visible crack can be the beginning of the end for your denture or partial. Our caring and skilled technicians can repair this with ease before it becomes a problem for you! Different possible solutions are bonding, crown, root canal and extraction. 

Price: $150


  • We are unable to repair cracks in flexible partials and cast frameworks.
  • The price includes shipping both ways, and a 6 month warranty from the day we finished your repair. See FAQ page for further information